New Year’s Resolutions

To be successful with your own resolutions, Marlatt, who has studied the subject for more than 20 years, suggests:
• Have a strong initial commitment to make a change.
• Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up.
• Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.

That can be applied to any health related goals. For example, you want to start a walking program:

Have a strong initial commitment to make a change.
- Commit to walking 20 minutes every morning.

Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up.
- In case you oversleep, try to walk during lunch or after work/school. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t. Do something else that is healthy, like drink more water or only take the stairs.

Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.
- Keep a chart of how many miles you walk. You’ll be blown away when you total it up at the end of the month.

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