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Now is when

The disappointment you’ve known is all in the past. Now is when you can take what you’ve learned and make positive use of it.

Has something been holding you back? Now is when you can begin to move beyond it.

Perhaps life has fallen short of your expectations. Instead of becoming angry or resentful, now is when you can put it all behind you.

Now is a new day, a vibrant moment, a time of real possibilities. Now is your chance to make the most of those possibilities.

Now is when you can focus your thoughts and actions in positive and meaningful ways. Now is when you can make use of all you have, and reach toward the best you can be.

Now is when you are able to act, and positioned to truly make a difference. Now is when life is here to live.

– Ralph Marston

New Year’s Resolutions

To be successful with your own resolutions, Marlatt, who has studied the subject for more than 20 years, suggests:
• Have a strong initial commitment to make a change.
• Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up.
• Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.

That can be applied to any health related goals. For example, you want to start a walking program:

Have a strong initial commitment to make a change.
- Commit to walking 20 minutes every morning.

Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up.
- In case you oversleep, try to walk during lunch or after work/school. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t. Do something else that is healthy, like drink more water or only take the stairs.

Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.
- Keep a chart of how many miles you walk. You’ll be blown away when you total it up at the end of the month.

National Body Challenge

The National Body Challenge is back. Hmmm they changed it this year, it’s now 8 weeks. Last year it was 12 weeks. The Challenge begins on January 15, 2005 and continues until March 12, 2005.

Registration started yesterday.

You can register online by January 20, 2005 or in person on January 15 or 16, 2005.

Do you plan to register? And will you register in person or from home?


Most of you know me from an old weight loss blog I shall not name since by the time this site goes live and is visited the link will be down forever. Others are here from redirects, search engine hits, webrings or blog hopping. However you got here, let me take a moment to reintroduce myself. is a health & fitness related blog. The primary focus is the latest news, trends, fads and your commentary. I would love for it to turn into a watercooler of fitness chit chat.

I set this site up for many reasons, mainly because I was tired of talking about myself being up a pound/down a pound. I also loved finding out the latest health news and talking about it with others. From time to time I’ll make a note of any significant progress I have made. As the year progesses I’ll add links so it won’t just be the blog, but my focus is to have discussions about health and fitness.

The format of the blog is 3-5 articles during the week, a girls gotta get weekends off ya kno *wink* and most major holidays I’ll be off. In those cases I’ll leave a few open threads for ongoing chat. If this takes off, crossing my fingers, I’ll love to invite guest bloggers. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Some future content will be product reviews, my training journal, and health related resources. As of this posting the site is maintained by one person and I timed it to have it up and running by the first of the year for all those symbolic “fresh start” reasons.

I hope you enjoy it.